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Nividous Smart Bots

Native and advanced capabilities for Intelligent Document Processing, Natural Language Processing, and Predictive Analysis.

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Native Cognitive Capabilities for Complex Processes

Nividous Smart Bots with native Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other cognitive capabilities,empower business users with the ability to easily automate processes involving complex documents. Capabilities such as Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Predictive Analysis give our Smart Bots the ability to classify, extract and validate data from any type of document, application or database. Using proprietary Machine Learning (ML) models, Nividous Smart Bots learn from experience, becoming faster and more reliable, significantly reducing operational costs and human errors. Achieve complex automation without data scientists or expensive third-party components.

Intelligent Document Processing

Documents, often in varying formats, languages, and qualities, can hinder digital transformation. Nividous’ IDP solution addresses this by capturing, categorizing, and extracting data from these documents using Computer Vision (CV) based Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Machine Learning (ML).

The Nividous Platform’s user-friendly interface enables businesses to easily build ML models for high-quality data extraction from structured, semi-structured, and unstructured documents. Its cognitive capabilities can be extended for on-device data extraction, empowering field workers with structured data management. Pre-built domain-specific ML models streamline the process. Unlike other platforms, users can create custom ML models and train them with on-the-fly feedback, improving accuracy over time.

IDP applications include:

  • Invoice and purchase order processing
  • Know your customer (KYC)
  • Proof of delivery
  • Loan applications
  • Customer onboarding
  • Insurance claims
Intelligent Document Processing Image

Structured Data on Your Fingertips

Employees and partners that are constantly on the go extensively use mobile devices for convenience, but there is often a need for additional processing through the back office. Leverage intelligent data extraction on-device to eliminate manual errors, high human capital costs, and infrastructure costs. The natively embedded cognitive capabilities within Nividous Smart Bots can be easily extended to hand-held devices for straight-through processing enabling field workforce to complete mission-critical tasks in real-time without any need to connect to other systems.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP enables machines to understand human language, written or spoken. Chatbots and virtual assistants leverage NLP to perform tasks traditionally handled by humans.

By combining NLP with Machine Learning, critical information can be discovered from unstructured data, such as emails, videos, and social media posts. Nividous eliminates the need for third-party services.

Users can simply train custom NLP models using their existing data to achieve exceptional accuracy. Several pre-trained models are available for email and text classification, sentiment analysis, named-entity recognition, and more.

Predictive Analysis

Predictive Analysis

Predictive analysis involves using historical data and ML techniques to forecast future outcomes. Businesses often employ predictive models to assess risk and identify opportunities. By integrating AI and automation, companies enhance data quality through reduced errors and improved accessibility. Automated reporting streamlines workloads and lowers overall costs.

Nividous empowers users to create models that predict probable outcomes, facilitating informed decision-making. Pre-built models are available for critical processes, including predicting fraud propensity for loan approvals, insurance claim probability, and fraudulent credit card transactions. Key features include:

  • Text Classification/Summarization
  • Entity Extraction – Structured/Unstructured
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Dataset Pre-Annotation
  • Content & Code Generation
  • Predictive Analytics

Native Generative AI Capabilities

Native Generative AI Capabilities

Nividous has developed Nividous-LLM, a native NLP model capable of handling various NLP applications. Its service-oriented architecture facilitates integration with third-party Gen AI models, such as OpenAI’s GPT. By leveraging TurboGPT 3.5, GPT-4o and GPT-4o mini, Nividous Intelligent Automation platform can perform more sophisticated natural language processing tasks.

Nividous-LLM employs the transformer architecture, a machine learning technique enabling the training of large models without extensive data labeling. This architecture includes Instruct GPT for NLP tasks and Chat GPT for conversational contexts.

Each model serves different roles, but both can be used in various ways by providing appropriate system prompts. Nividous has implemented system prompts for different features such as classification, extraction, summarization, document comparison, etc. You can choose a model and input your prompt to receive the desired output. You need not to worry about any system prompts or prompt engineering.

Key Features


Deep Learning Native OCR

Utilize Deep Learning algorithms to accurately extract text from images and documents. Deep Learning-based OCR can handle more complex scenarios, such as handwritten text, low-quality images, and varying document layouts.


Deep Learning Models using CV & NLP

Combine the strengths of CV and NLP to extract meaningful information from unstructured data. This approach enables more accurate and comprehensive data extraction, especially for complex documents containing both visual and textual information.



An intuitive interface displays the original document alongside extracted data, highlighting fields for review. Tab through fields for easy data review and correction.


Native Training and Feedback Loop

Leverage our intuitive interface to annotate exceptions on new documents, training custom ML models for automated handling of similar exceptions in the future. This feedback loop ensures continuous improvement and reduces the need for manual intervention.


Pre-Built ML Models

Benefit from a variety of pre-built domain-specific ML models for Invoices, Government ID’s, Cheques, Bank Statements. Leverage built-in domain expertise for instant identification of process-specific data.


Resilient to Document Variations

Handle variations in the document, formatting, or content of documents without compromising its accuracy. The Nividous Platform is resilient and can adapt to these changes and continue to extract data reliably.


Multi-Page Bulk Document Handling

Handle large volumes of documents efficiently. By processing multiple pages of a document at once, the platform allows significant reduction in processing time and improves overall throughput.


Synchronous Extraction

Extract data from a document in real-time, immediately after processing. This ensures the extracted data is promptly available for further use, making synchronous extraction ideal for scenarios requiring rapid data access, such as immediate decision-making or system integration.

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