
Alan Hester

David Ramsey

Managing Director Europe, Nividous

David has worked in technology for over 25 years. His current technology passion has seen him focus on smart contracts for the Ethereum network and providing advice and services for this new technology.

Join this webinar to learn:

  • Basics of RPA and Blockchain technologies.
  • How to leverage the combined power of RPA and Blockchain?
  • What are the implementation challenges and how to overcome them?
  • Business use-cases of RPA and its application alongside Blockchain technology.

Watch On-demand Webinar


Constantly changing customer expectations are forcing businesses to adopt a radically different paradigm when it comes to transforming processes digitally. The integrations of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Blockchain technology turns out to be a possible new way to re-think business models.

RPA can seamlessly interact with end-users and systems while automating repetitive, and high-volume processes, whereas Blockchain technology provides a trusted transaction processing back-end for improved audit and compliance.